Banos Familia

A place to gather events, ideas and family...all in one place, while we are far away

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Mardi Gras 2007 - Part II

Here are a few more to add to the Mardi Gras collection. Aunt Becky is sending some of hers via email and I will post those as well.

Edward and Tiny E:

Lucy and Pop:

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Mardi Gras 2007

Mardi Gras is officially over and the grey, rainy weather this morning was a not-so-subtle reminder that it is now Lent...time to wash away Mardi Gras, literally. Lucy was sort of freaked out by the ashes on my forehead when I got home from work tonight; she kept saying, "mommy go wash your face".

We really enjoyed seeing everyone who was in town for Mardi Gras and missed all of the rest of you terribly. Lucy held strong from Thursday until Monday but was particularly edgy and territorial on Sunday (not great behavior when you have a house filled with guests). By Tuesday she was done with parading and had no desire to put on her dragon costume. So goes the life of a toddler.

Here are some of the highlights:

Mom and Aunt Becky tied for the award of 'most unsuspected bead-loving lady'.

Hanging out on the porch on Thoth Sunday.

Here is a picture of Little Luis in Proteus. He hooked us up with the cool light-up beads and fishies for Lucy.

Here is what Molly and I thought was Jay's float, #13, neutral ground side. We couldn't find him though.

Christian and Lucy, Mardi Gras day.