Banos Familia

A place to gather events, ideas and family...all in one place, while we are far away

Monday, September 18, 2006

Fish, Beasts and Two-Year-Olds

Just returned from a week in Jackson Hole. Mountains, water and plenty of very friendly wildlife....
I was very happy to tick off a few things on my never-ending "to do" list like learning to fly-fish, actually catching a fish with a fly, (that's mine above) and hiking a real, all day hike.
This is Lindsay, our fearless, two-year-old leader. She was always game for whatever the group was doing. She even hiked up a mountain all on her own! Here is Lindsay with her parents, Matt and Julie. Matt is Cheairs' best friend from W&L. We were on a ferry on Jenny Lake.


(actually, just a chipmunk)

This picture makes me laugh.


At 8:38 AM, Blogger Julie Vaicius said...

I am envious - but not about the kissing the fish part.
Thanks for posting the pics and setting up the links.


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